Team Brisk Streamer Of The Week: DJ Mondo
This week we are heading to Las Vegas, USA as we drop in to see our friend, the legendary DJ Mondo!

Where are you from and where are you living now?
I am from Tampa Florida, and now I live in Las Vegas Nevada USA.
How did you come up with your DJ name?
Well, my real name is Armando, and short for Armando is “Mando” but as people didn’t pronounce it like I wanted them too. I then eventually changed the “a” to “o” and settled on DJ Mondo.
What’s your equipment list?
Not much, I have an Pioneer RX3 controller and two Technics 1200 turntables ( I still have my first pair of 1200s I bought in 1997).
Where did your musical journey begin?
I would say, December 8th , 1980, the day John Lennon got shot in NYC. It was on the news and my grand mother started crying. I asked her why she was crying and she said “They Killed John Lennon”. I replied who is John Lennon? ‘The Beatles!!!!’ she told me. So she began pulling Beatles albums and playing the records for me. That is my fist memory of music really.
What made you decide to take up DJing?
I was always messing in my room with music. Had a cheap mixer and I would record tapes for me and my friends. While i was in college at the University of South Florida. I had a room mate who was in a Fraternity and they had lots of parties at local clubs. So one night the DJ they hired for a party did not show up. So my roommate called me and told me to fill in. I did, it was an amazing experience and a great night. So then the owner of the club asked me if I wanted to dj every week. I said YES.

What are some of your interests/hobbies/passions outside of streaming/DJing?
Before my son was born, I enjoyed building models of circuses. Im from a circus family and yeah that’s how that hobby came about. BUT more recently my passion is being a Father to my 3 year old son AJ.
When did you start streaming on Twitch?
I started streaming on Twitch and affiliated exactly 2 years ago this July.
Is there anything you really hope to accomplish in your life, whether it be related to music or not?
I just want to be a good person, make some tunes people enjoy. Making some people dance. Being a good Dad to my Son. I kinda just go with the flow and see where life takes me. But I guess a goal is just to be “Happy”
Who are some of your favourite streamers? Why?
That’s a tough question, because I enjoy a lot of djs on Twitch but I would have to say the ones that stimulate me “musically” I love hearing good music that is new and undiscovered. But I also enjoy those djs with fun outgoing personalities. Im there to have fun and be entertained a bit.
What is your favourite genre to play? Why?
Here is another tough question: for me, I LIKE IT ALL really. I like almost every form or genre of electronic dance music. But If I had to throw out some genres I would say: House, Electro House, Big Room, Breaks, and even some Trap.
What are some of the most memorable events you’ve participated in or streamed?
Gosh there are so many, 20 years worth of countless memorable events. And now with streams added. I don’t know where to start really. I have to say my residencies here in Las Vegas at Omnia, Hakkasan, Wet Republic, leave me with great memories that I will never forget. BUT as the saying goes, “what happens in vegas, stays in vegas” . Yeah that’s all I can say. 😊
What does Team Brisk mean to you?
One word, TEAM!
What’s your favourite thing about DJing on Twitch?
Just being accessible to share music with viewers all over the world at any given moment. Its Great

What is a challenge you’ve faced as a DJ/streamer?
As a DJ: just keeping up with the times. You have to evolve and embrace change. If you don’t evolve you get left behind.
As a Streamer: Same thing. my challenge is trying to keep my streams fresh. With music and visuals. You have to always keep evolving and trying new things.
Do you have any special projects, streams or events you would like to tell us about?
Yeah July 22nd 2022 I have a new tune coming out with Dance Stash. Track called Fade Away. It will be available everywhere. Please check it out – Fade Away (Dj Mondo remix) – Dance Stash
Also I will be having a 2 year Twitch anniversary stream soon and also a 4000 Followers celebration stream. I am currently about 10 follows away from 4000 as we speak.
Is there anyone you’d like to shout out and/or thank?
Yes. I would like to give a shout out to all my Twitch MODS. Thanks for helping me Do what I do. You all are amazing! And Also all you viewers out there, thanks for the positive energy and support!

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